Face Yoga vs. Face Massage

Face Yoga vs. Face Massage - what is the difference?

Several of you have been asking me about the differences between face exercises and facial massages. So I thought the best would be to explain this briefly in a blog post.

Face exercises - give your face a workout!

Did you know that there are 57 muscles in the face, neck, head, tongue & ears? Out of these 43 are located in our face alone!  What really stuck with me though is that we are consciously working out our body to keep it young and fit, then why don’t we exercise our face muscles too to maintain that youthful, glowing look?

 The skin is attached to the muscle and always follows it . If the muscle sags, the skin is sagging too. If the muscle loses volume, the skin will get wrinkly.  Now the good news is you can train your facial muscles with facial exercises. Through the facial exercise, your muscles become stronger, are more lifted and firmed. Thus the skin attached to the muscles is also lifted and tightened, therefore reducing and preventing lines and wrinkles! As the muscles are much smaller than those in the body, it takes a lot less time for them to increase in strength and tone.

 Face massages are complementary to face exercises.

Facial massage increases circulation, which oxygenates the tissue and gives you a healthy glow. It also stimulates the lymphatic system, removing toxins and delivering fresh nutrients to the skin. Thus reducing poor  puffiness and dark circles, making your skin look healthier and more youthful. and helps with de-puffing and contouring the face. Additionally facial massage will also increase the collagen and elastin, the natural plumping agents which will mean a firmer and healthier complexion.


Mini Gua Sha Facial Pop Up @ Mountain Air, Verbier


Sleep, The Magic Ingredient.