La Maison Du Visage

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Facial Wellbeing For The Modern Woman

Modern Lifestyle

We demand a lot of ourselves on a daily basis. Already our language reveals how much we channels these demands through our faces. From the moment we wake up, we ‘face the world’, at work or during the day we talk ‘face to face’, we ‘face the facts’ , avoid ‘loosing face’ and ‘put on a brave face’.

Stress can have a really negative impact on our body and mind and it can severely affect the face too. The face is a mirror of what is happening on the inside and represents everything that is happening in our mind, in our body, in our soul, in our emotions.

How Stress Can Affect The Face

When we are feeling stressed it will slow down collagen and elastin production, pour natural plumbing agents. It also leads to poor circulation meaning that the toxins are not removed properly potentially creating more puffiness and leaving a dull complexion. Furthermore it may be a contributor to dehydration which makes the skin look unhealthy, tired and older. Plus we will most likely frown, grimace and hold the tension in our face more when stressed leading to deep set lines and wrinkles.

Facial Wellbeing For The Modern Woman Wellness Workbook

That’s is why I created the Facial Wellbeing For The Modern Woman Wellness Workbook for you. Taking the time for yourself every day by doing facial exercises, including face massages and acupressure, it will do wonders to your overall wellbeing.

It is a simple and easy accessible daily facial wellbeing guide to do at any time throughout the day. It will help to boost the blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production, encourage lymph flow as well as toning the muscles and firming the skin. Furthermore, it will also help you to feel calmer, happier and more at ease.

And the best part of it? It’s free. Yes that is right, it is available for you for free! Download it now!