How to Get Rid of 11 Lines Without Botox

Frown lines, also know as glabellar or 11 lines, can become an unwelcome presence between the eyebrows, giving the impression of a perpetual scowl. While Botox and similar neurotoxins have been popular go-to solutions, not everybody wants to go under the needle. 

If you're seeking alternative methods to diminish 11 lines naturally and/or extend your time between your injections here are top 6 techniques to reduce the look of frown lines naturally. Read on to learn more!

What causes 11 Lines?

The formation of 11 lines can be caused by various factors. One of the main ones is eyebrow muscle tension due to repetitive mimic facial movements.

This includes spending extended periods in front of our digital devices, squinting at the screen. πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Ageing plays a role too, as the body produces less collagen and elastin, leading to reduced skin elasticity and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines between the eyebrows. Additionally, poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, and stress, can contribute to the prominence of glabella lines and accelerate the ageing process.

TCM & 11 Lines

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the face is considered a map that reflects the internal balance of the body, including emotions and organ systems.

The appearance of the 11 Lines is closely linked with emotions like anger, frustration and associated with the Liver meridian.

The liver, a multitasking powerhouse, is responsible for several essential functions: It aids in detoxification by removing harmful substances from the body and also plays a key role in digestion and metabolism. Plus, according to TCM, it is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (energy) and emotions throughout the body. When there is an imbalance or stagnation in the Liver Qi, it can manifest as emotional disturbances. These emotions can disrupt the flow of Qi, leading to energetic blockages and affecting the overall well-being of the individual.

Beyond emotions and in general, the liver is strongly connected to our skin health. Skin issues can often be indicative of an underlying liver imbalance. Caring for your skin goes hand in hand with supporting liver health. Understanding the significance and appearance of prominent or deep 11 Lines between the eyebrows can provide further insights into our emotional well-being and overall health.

 My Top 6 Techniques To Reduce 11 Lines Naturally

Facial Exercises for Frown Lines

Target those pesky frown lines with targeted facial exercises.

Engage the muscles in the glabellar area through gentle facial exercises. Regular exercises can help tone and relax the muscles, reducing the appearance of lines over time.

Facial Massage and Facial Gua Sha

Both, facial massage and Facial Gua Sha techniques can improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and enhance skin elasticity.

Regularly incorporating these practices can help ease frown lines and promote a more relaxed appearance.

Still looking for a Gua Sha tool ? Get my favourite Gua Sha tool here. Handcrafted from natural Bian stone, the Kira Gua Sha tool from La Maison Du Visage fits effortlessly the natural curvatures and contours of your face and neck to enhance results of your Gua Sha beauty ritual.

Facial Cupping

Facial cupping is a beauty therapy that uses suction cups to stimulate the skin and underlying muscles.

It’s been in existence for years, having originated from the Chinese practice of body cupping.

It boosts circulation, relaxes facial muscles, and can help stimulate collagen production. As the facial cups are small, they can be very effective at targeting lines in the glabella area.  Get my favourite facial cups here  - these are the facial cups I use both on myself as well as in all my treatments.

Nuture The Liver

To promote liver health and overall well-being, adopting a holistic approach is essential.

Begin by reducing your toxic intake and replacing toxic skincare products with organic, natural alternatives. Incorporate liver-nourishing foods and herbs like turmeric, leafy greens, bitters, and clean protein into your diet.

Stay Hydrated

Keep your skin hydrated and well-nourished to support its natural repair process.

Drinking plenty of water and using moisturisers/oils enriched with antioxidants can promote skin health and reduce the appearance of lines.

Embrace A Balanced Lifestyle & Emotional Wellbeing

Make time for you.

Opt for a balanced lifestyle by nourishing yourself with a well-balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and prioritising sleep.

Learn to relax, let go of chronic angry thoughts, and decrease overall toxic load.

Include self-care and mindfulness practices like meditation and spending time in nature can significantly impact liver health and emotional balance. 

Life is a beautiful journey, and it's essential not to take it too seriously! Embrace moments of joy, relaxation, and self-care, knowing that by nurturing your liver and emotions, you are nurturing your overall well-being.

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