Let’s Talk About The Neck.

The neck plays a significant role as it connects and supports the head with body and is responsible for carrying oxygen, blood flow and nutrients to our face as well removing all the toxins from our face. 

So even if we would have the most diligent face care, if we do no show your neck the same attention as we do to the face, then all the hard work could be for nothing. Additionally, its skin is thinner than the skin on the face, meaning it will lose the elasticity much easier than the face. Plus the platysmas muscles are not connected directly to any bone to hold them up, thus with gravity and the ageing process they are more likely to sag.

Lifestyle Habits.

Further, given our modern lifestyle, stress, wrong posture, excess computer use, staring onto our phones can tighten our neck. This will result in poor flow of blood supply, oxygen nutrients; and the toxins will not be able to drain from our face properly, meaning that this could result in double chin and turkey neck. So it’s important to take care of the neck from an early age on, so that skin remain taut and plump.

Face Yoga Workouts & The Neck 

Before any face exercises I highly recommend to do a few neck stretches just to release any tightness, tension or blockages. If you choose to, you can also do them after the face yoga exercises or any time throughout the day!

 In doing so, the facial exercises will most likely also be more to be more effective as blockages and tension are reduced allowing circulation to move freely.  ❗️Important❗️ Please feel free to work to your own level and avoid neck exercises you have neck, shoulder or back injuries.


Sleep, The Magic Ingredient.