La Maison Du Visage

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Sleep, The Magic Ingredient.

Did you know that when it comes to our beauty routine (for which we do so, so much!), sleep may be the closest thing there is to a fountain of youth?

 The body repairs itself and recovers while we sleep, and that leads to a long list of benefits for our health including our skin’s health. So it is essential to make sure you have the best night sleep possible. The key is to get enough shut-eye in there, between 7 to 9 quality hours each night.

Here are some of the beauty benefits:

  • It is commonly quoted that collagen production in the skin falls by 1 per cent every year after the age of twenty. Now the good news is our skin produces new collagen when we sleep, which in return will help to prevent sagging of skin and helps in the reduction of wrinkles.

  • Further, our body boosts the blood flow to the skin while we are sleeping. This means that when we wake we have a healthy glow about us.

  • Additionally sleep works well for puffiness around the eyes and/or the dark circles under out eyes. If we get enough sleep in , stay well hydrated, it will reduce the swelling in that area, and the blow flow to the eye area will minimise the dark circles.

 Develop A Sleep Routine

Try to build up a healthy sleep routine, even if it is something as simple, making yourself a camomile or mint tea before bed. Try not to look at your phone for the last hour before bed as  the blue light from the phone screen blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. This makes it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the next day. And do some easy yoga or breathing techniques if it works for you.


Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and our bodies together.

- Thomas Dekker

So don’t overlook a good nights and embrace it for a healthy body, mind, and skin for years to come!