Looking to reduce wrinkles, diminish under eye puffiness and dark circles, get rid of double chin and make your skin glow?

Then Face Yoga is for you.

Choose between our Individual Face Yoga 4 Week Online Course or One 1-1 Face Yoga Online Session.
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What is Face Yoga?

Face yoga is a series of facial exercises where you intentionally isolate and tone your face muscles. It a natural way of attaining a more youthful look and a healthy glowing skin by combining face yoga exercises, facial massages and acupuncture as well as relaxation techniques.


Is Face Yoga for you?

Whether you see the first signs of ageing and want to prevent or if you already have deep set lines and wrinkles, the exercises and techniques will be beneficial for you. Trust me it is never too late to start improving and enriching the health of your face!  

If  you are already using botox and fillers for example, it will still be beneficial to you by giving your face a fresh glow, reduce damaging build-up of tension and stress. Face yoga is for everyone.

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What Face Yoga can do for you.

Face yoga stimulates the blood circulation in the face, increases the production of collagen and elastin, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking firm, taut and radiant.

Besides using face yoga techniques as an anti-aging tool, it is also very useful  in times of stress and reducing the signs of ageing and tension that can be caused due to it giving you a natural face lift.

Choose between our Individual Face Yoga 4 Week Online Course

or One 1-1 Face Yoga Online Session

Fully Accredited By


Individual Face Yoga Online Course

The Individual Face Yoga Online Course is a personalised 4-week long workout plan that will cover all facial areas as well focusing on where you want to work on the most helping you achieve the best results in the shortest time.

How does it work?

We will gradually build your customised face yoga routine. Each session I will you teach you different techniques building up on the exercises you have learned, so that you we can create your own personalised routine. We will steadily increase it and have fun with these new exercises and ensure you don’t get overwhelmed!

Each session is 60 min long. It’s a live session with me, not pre-recorded. The face yoga routine is personalised for your facial needs. Besides the face exercises I will also teach you personalised massage and acupressure techniques, and you get to keep all the video and written content from the course forever.


4 Week Personalised Face Yoga Online Course

CHF 444

  • 4 weekly online 1-1 sessions.

  • Each session is 60 min live session with the founder of La Maison Du Visage.

  • Step-by-step individual learning.

  • 10 - 12 face exercises.

  • Plus 1 massage technique.

  • Plus acupressure techniques.

  • Video & written content for you to keep.

One 1-1 Face Yoga Online Session

Alternatively you have the option to book a 75min one off live session where I teach you 10 – 12 face exercises that will cover all facial areas as well focusing on where you want to work on the most helping you achieve the best results in the shortest time.

The face yoga routine is personalised for your facial needs and you get to keep all the video and written content from the one session forever.

1-1 Face Yoga Online Session

CHF 160

  • One 1-1 live sessions of 75 min.

  • 10 - 12 face exercises.

  • Video & written content for you to keep.

Please note that all the exercises and techniques have been designed to be safe and beneficial for you. Please check our FAQ section a full list of contraindication and make sure they do not apply to you. If you do have any particular needs, health issues or any of the exercises feel uncomfortable for you please consult your doctor before doing the exercises.