4 Areas To Include In Your Selfcare Ritual For 2022

The Chest

Massage daily to open up the area and allow more flow. It improves blood circulation, helps with lymph flow, chest wrinkles and relieves stress & tension. Think of it this way: open chest, open face and open heart !

The Neck.

The neck is uber important, as it is responsible for carrying oxygen, lymph blood flow and nutrients to our face as well removing all the toxins from our face. Massage & stretch it daily! Remember even if we would have the most diligent face care, if we do no show your neck the same attention as we do to the face, then all the hard work could be for nothing!

Stretching and massaging the neck also helps with our modern lifestyle, stress, wrong posture, excess computer use, staring onto our phones as all these can tighten our neck.

This will result in poor flow of blood supply, oxygen nutrients; and the toxins will not be able to drain from our face properly, meaning that this could result in double chin and turkey neck! Want to know more? Read more about it in my blog post Let’s Talk About The Neck.

The Ears.

Include an ear massage! The ear contains over 200 pressure points that can influence different areas of the body and mind. Including a daily ear massage, will help to energise the body,  reduce feelings of stress or anxiety, release toxins, improve circulation, give the immune system a boost and release a healthy dose of endorphins into your blood stream promoting general wellbeing.

Gently rub, pull, gently twist, unroll or massage your ears - do what feels good for you! Plus the stimulated the blood circulation will giving you a nice rosy glow!

The Scalp.

Our face does not stop at our hairline, so get in there and massage your scalp! Great for promoting relaxation, relieves stress, headaches, migraines & it promotes hair growth too!

As everything is interconnected it will help with lifting your face, helping to ease wrinkles plus it will stimulate your facial circulation, leaving you glowing!  Scalp massage is the new skincare!


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